Psalm 51 — more than repentance

Several thoughts on Psalm 51:

At least ten of the nineteen verses are 24/7-relevant.

Among them:

Verse 1 – repentance: Who doesn’t need the tender mercies of God’s unfailing love and great compassion?

Verse 4 – “For I know my transgressions”: It’s tough to examine ourselves, yet it’s ultimately cleansing, invigorating.

Verse 6 – There is much more to Psalm 51 than repentance: “… you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.” Think how that happens.

Verse 10 — “pure heart … steadfast spirit”: Purity is foundational to steadfastness.

Verse 14 – a relevant word even to careless/distracted driving: “Save me from bloodguilt, O God…”

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