Spurgeon, the Maharishi & meditation
Posted: January 16, 2016 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment »Charles Haddon Spurgeon practiced meditation long before there was a Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Here’s some of Spurgeon’s meditation counsel, from 1874:
“It is an admirable plan to fix your thoughts upon some text of Scripture before you leave your bedroom in the morning—it will sweeten your meditation all the day. Always look God in the face before you see the face of anyone else. Lock up your heart in the morning and hand the key to God and keep the world out of your heart. Take a text and lay it on your tongue like a wafer made with honey and let it melt in your mouth all day. If you do this, and meditate upon it, you will be surprised to notice how the various events of life will help to open up that text. If that particular text does not seem suitable to some special occasion, steal away into a quiet place and get another one—only let your soul be so full of the Word of God that at all the intervals and spaces when you can think upon it, the Word of God dwelling in you richly may come welling up into your mind and make your meditation to be sweet and profitable!” (From Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s “Loving the Law of the Lord,” Sermon #3090, preached at London’s Metropolitan Tabernacle on May 10, 1874.)
For a 21st century look at meditation, I’ve written — with much help from on high — two e-books: When I Meditate and Meditation & Morality setting forth an evangelical/biblical perspective. See descriptors at www.arttoalston.com. Hopefully, Spurgeon would have enjoyed these. Difficult to imagine what Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s reaction would have been.