A look inside Viral Vitality … Hope for the Human Soul

A Pandemic Proposal: Viral Vitality … Hope for the Human Soul … as relevant as ever … at https://amzn.to/2JAxzGh. Here’s an overview:


Introduction: Even in a pandemic, your faith can have vitality in your soul, your circumstances, your relationships, your world, and your future.


Chapter 1 — Your Soul: No global pandemic, nor any accompanying financial upheaval, can alter God’s creation of the human soul.


Chapter 2 — Your Circumstances: Viral vitality in faith can provide hope and comfort amid dire or stressful junctures in life.


Chapter 3 — Your Relationships: Viral vitality in faith can enhance your relationships as you weather uncertain times with your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors.


Chapter 4 — Your World: Viral vitality can heighten your readiness and capacity for extending a helping hand to a hurting world.


Chapter 5 — Your Future: Your viral vitality can be enhanced with each Scripture passage you turn to for guidance, hope, and comfort.


Chapter 6 — If You’re Addicted: A pandemic doesn’t alleviate the need for hope and healing among those who suffer from addictions and victimization.


Chapter 7– Our Vision & Vitality: Vitality flows from a Scripture-based faith that has a stirring precedence in human history.


Chapter 8 – Contemplations: A wealth of Scripture is explored in these brief reflections by men and women of faith.